Screenwriting Tricks for Authors
The Master List

What Should I Be Doing Right Now? (For my book or script)

For the New Year I've been focusing on motivational tricks to get you writing again. Next month I'll be covering essential Story Elements from the beginning of Act I. But since people are naturally at different stages of their books and scripts, I thought I'd try a...

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First Chapters

First Chapters are a very fraught subject. Writers agonize over them. I don’t have to tell you! The pressure is enormous, isn’t it? The first chapter sells your submission and it sells your book once it’s published. It carries the whole weight of the book with it. It...

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Ten Romantic Movies – to help you write your love story!

Even if you’re not a romance writer, there are very few books or scripts that don’t have love plots, at least subplots—and who doesn’t want to up their love story game? So at this romantic time of year, why not put yourself in the mood for love and in the mood to...

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What KIND of Story is It?

Like I suspect a lot of people here, Craig and I ended up mourning the loss of the incomparable Sidney Poitier by watching In the Heat of the Night. I often reference Heat as an example in workshops, but watching it again reminded me of what a great teaching movie it...

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Preptober: THE MASTER LIST (part 1)

It's October and you know what that means....It's Nanowrimo PREP month!I always do a brainstorming and story structure review series in for Preptober, and continue throughout November with prompts and encouragement, based on my Screenwriting Tricks for...

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