Screenwriting Tricks for Authors

Write a Book this Year!

It’s July. Is your book written yet?

If so, HUZZAH!! You are a rock star! You have moved mountains and parted seas!!

And if not…

You have half a year left. That is PLENTY of time to get a book written and sold. I’ve done it, and I’ve seen it done, hundreds of times, thousands.

But the first thing you have to ask yourself is…

If it’s not written yet—WHY not?

Seriously. Why not?

Most spiritual teachers I know would say— You know why. You always know.

So name it.

  • Is it the kids? Your spouse? Your job? Your health?
  • Is it time? Are you not even writing 15 minutes a day, or even 5?
  • Is it fear? Do you not want to find out that you can’t do this thing that you so want to do?
  • Are you stuck? Do you have half a book, a quarter, or even a full draft—but have no idea where to go next?
  • Or have you already written a book, or several, that you know are not good enough? Are you worried you’ll spend six long months pouring your heart into another book, only to find once again that you can’t sell it?
  • Are you thinking that you’ll have to learn this whole scary self-publishing thing on top of having to write the book to begin with—and it’s just too exhausting for words?

I really am asking, because asking the question is always the first step to fixing it.

If your book isn’t written, why not?
