These two key story structure elements are very, very often the CLIMAX of Act II: Part 2. They almost always occur next to each other, one coming right after—or soon after—the other. There might be a climactic action sequence before or after, but these elements will be the true turning point of the Act. And it goes like this:
After the Hero/ine’s blackest, bleakest moment, there is a moment of insight so profound that the Hero/ine will be able to make a new PLAN and go into the FINAL BATTLE of Act III, recharged and re-energized.
Let’s get into how that works!
Here’s the overview:
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This darkening third quarter of your story is almost certainly going to culminate in a scene or sequence that, since the ancient Greeks, has been called THE LONG DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL (also known as ALL IS LOST or THE BLACK MOMENT or APPARENT DEFEAT or VISIT TO DEATH). Your protagonist has been spiraling downward, and now the detective is thrown off the case, the crucial lawsuit is dismissed, a key witness is eliminated, a major battle is lost, or an ally is killed — or several of these at once. The hero/ine metaphorically dies in this scene, and often it’s because a loved one has actually died.