We are re-emerging into the world (oh yeah, that gave me a spike of anxiety just writing it!). And I think it’s important to remember that we’re not alone with it.
I’ve always loved this Talmud quote, for its powerful visual imagery and truth. We all have angels. As writers, we definitely have angels. Writers talk about “library angels” that steer them toward exactly the right book they need at the right time. And wow, I’ve had hundreds of those moments writing this latest book! No libraries during the pandemic, but definitely Internet angels!
But we have more than library angels, don’t we? They’re our critique groups and partners. They’re our teachers. They are our favorite blogs and feeds. They are those touchstone movies and books that we watch and read over and over again for inspiration. It’s all those whispers we hear when we take walks or showers! that guide us to the next steps in our books.
So when you’re feeling that re-emergence anxiety, remember: Every blade of grass has its angel— and so do you.